Where to get the best AP replicas when most factories are closed?

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With the closure of numerous watch factories, many people are now facing confusion when it comes to purchasing the best replica watches. In the past, each factory had their own popular replicas, such as Noob’s Daytona, VS’s Submariner and Datejust, VS’s Panerai, and JF’s Audemars Piguet. However, currently, these three factories are temporarily closed, leaving people unsure about which sources can be trusted to obtain the best replicas.

Regarding the Daytona, I would not recommend purchasing it unless Noob resumes production. As for the Submariner, although VS used to offer the best replicas, ZZ and ZF are currently providing top-quality replica Audemars Piguet. If you are interested in Panerai, unfortunately, waiting is the only option at the moment. When it comes to Audemars Piguet, if you are looking for the best replicas of models like the 15400, 15500, or 15202, ZF is the most reliable resource. JF and XF are closed, and OM’s quality does not match up to ZF’s.Overall, the current situation regarding replica watch factories has made it challenging to find the best sources for specific models. It is important to stay informed and keep an eye out for updates from these factories to ensure you are making the best choice when purchasing a replica watch.

Based on my analysis, if you are looking for the best replica of the AP Royal Oak 15400 or 15500, the ZF version is the way to go. The same applies if you are interested in the 15202 model, as XF is currently unavailable. For the AP Royal Oak Offshore Diver 15703, the ZF version is also recommended for the best quality replica. However, if you have your sights set on the AP Royal Oak Chronograph Sec@12 replica, you will need to wait for the J12 factory to resume production.

However, it is worth noting that the OM factory is not entirely lacking competitiveness in the field of Audemars Piguet replicas. In my opinion, their Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Chronograph replica stands out as the best option. I have examined the provided photos of the Audemars Piguet rose gold watch produced by OM factory, and it appears to be a high-quality replica of the Royal Oak Chronograph that many readers have inquired about. While it is true that the two subdials at 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock have fixed small hands, the position of these three counters on the dial is identical to that of the genuine watch. BF factory also produces this watch, but the positioning of the subdials is incorrect, making it easily distinguishable as a fake. On the other hand, the OM version showcases a top-quality replica, evident from the appearance of the dial and the finish of the case.

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